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Class CAAT.Foundation.UI.IMActor

Extends CAAT.Foundation.Actor.

Defined in: IMActor.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Calculate another image processing frame every this milliseconds.
Image processing interface.
Last scene time this actor calculated a frame.
Fields borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Actor:
__super, AABB, alpha, backgroundImage, behaviorList, cached, clip, clipPath, dirty, discardable, duration, expired, fillStyle, frameAlpha, gestureEnabled, glEnabled, height, id, inFrame, invalid, isAA, isCachedActor, isGlobalAlpha, lifecycleListenerList, minimumSize, modelViewMatrix, modelViewMatrixI, mouseEnabled, oldX, oldY, parent, pointed, preferredSize, preventLayout, rotationAngle, rotationX, rotationY, scaleAnchor, scaleTX, scaleTY, scaleX, scaleY, size_active, size_total, start_time, strokeStyle, tAnchorX, tAnchorY, time, viewVertices, visible, wdirty, width, worldModelViewMatrix, worldModelViewMatrixI, x, y
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
paint(director, time)
Call image processor to update image every time milliseconds.
Set the image processor.
Methods borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Actor:
__init, __paintActor, __scale1To, __validateLayout, addAnimation, addBehavior, addListener, animate, cacheAsBitmap, centerAt, centerOn, clean, contains, create, destroy, disableDrag, drawScreenBoundingBox, emptyBehaviorList, enableDrag, enableEvents, endAnimate, findActorAtPosition, findActorById, fireEvent, gestureChange, gestureEnd, gestureStart, getAnchor, getAnchorPercent, getBehavior, getId, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, getTextureGLPage, glNeedsFlush, glSetShader, initialize, invalidate, invalidateLayout, isCached, isGestureEnabled, isInAnimationFrame, isVisible, modelToModel, modelToView, mouseClick, mouseDblClick, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseOut, mouseOver, mouseUp, moveTo, paintActor, paintActorGL, playAnimation, removeBehaviorById, removeBehaviour, removeListener, resetAnimationTime, resetAsButton, resetTransform, rotateTo, scaleTo, scaleXTo, scaleYTo, setAlpha, setAnimationEndCallback, setAnimationImageIndex, setAsButton, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundImageOffset, setBounds, setButtonImageIndex, setCachedActor, setChangeFPS, setClip, setDiscardable, setExpired, setFillStyle, setFrameTime, setGestureEnabled, setGLCoords, setGlobalAlpha, setGlobalAnchor, setId, setImageTransformation, setLocation, setMinimumSize, setModelViewMatrix, setOutOfFrameTime, setPaint, setParent, setPosition, setPositionAnchor, setPositionAnchored, setPreferredSize, setPreventLayout, setRotation, setRotationAnchor, setRotationAnchored, setScale, setScaleAnchor, setScaleAnchored, setScreenBounds, setSize, setSpriteIndex, setStrokeStyle, setUV, setVisible, stopCacheAsBitmap, touchEnd, touchMove, touchStart, viewToModel
Class Detail
Field Detail
Calculate another image processing frame every this milliseconds.

Image processing interface.

Last scene time this actor calculated a frame.
Method Detail
paint(director, time)

Call image processor to update image every time milliseconds.
an integer indicating milliseconds to elapse before updating the frame.

Set the image processor.
{CAAT.ImageProcessor} a CAAT.ImageProcessor instance.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Jul 01 2013 04:59:18 GMT-0700 (PDT)