Class CAAT.Foundation.Box2D.B2DPolygonBody
Defined in: B2DPolygonBody.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
Measured body's bounding box.
- Fields borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Box2D.B2DBodyActor:
- bodyData, bodyDef, bodyType, density, fixtureDef, friction, recycle, restitution, world, worldBody, worldBodyFixture
- Fields borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Actor:
- __super, AABB, alpha, backgroundImage, behaviorList, cached, clip, clipPath, dirty, discardable, duration, expired, fillStyle, frameAlpha, gestureEnabled, glEnabled, height, id, inFrame, invalid, isAA, isCachedActor, isGlobalAlpha, lifecycleListenerList, minimumSize, modelViewMatrix, modelViewMatrixI, mouseEnabled, oldX, oldY, parent, pointed, preferredSize, preventLayout, rotationAngle, rotationX, rotationY, scaleAnchor, scaleTX, scaleTY, scaleX, scaleY, size_active, size_total, start_time, strokeStyle, tAnchorX, tAnchorY, time, viewVertices, visible, wdirty, width, worldModelViewMatrix, worldModelViewMatrixI, x, y
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
createBody(world, bodyData)
Create a box2d body and link it to this CAAT.Actor.
<static> |
CAAT.Foundation.Box2D.B2DPolygonBody.createPolygonBody(world, bodyData)
Helper function to aid in box2d polygon shaped bodies.
Get on-screen distance joint coordinate.
- Methods borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Box2D.B2DBodyActor:
- __init, animate, check, destroy, getCenter, setAwake, setBodyType, setDensity, setFriction, setLocation, setPositionAnchor, setPositionAnchored, setRecycle, setRestitution, setSleepingAllowed
- Methods borrowed from class CAAT.Foundation.Actor:
- __paintActor, __scale1To, __validateLayout, addAnimation, addBehavior, addListener, cacheAsBitmap, centerAt, centerOn, clean, contains, create, disableDrag, drawScreenBoundingBox, emptyBehaviorList, enableDrag, enableEvents, endAnimate, findActorAtPosition, findActorById, fireEvent, gestureChange, gestureEnd, gestureStart, getAnchor, getAnchorPercent, getBehavior, getId, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, getTextureGLPage, glNeedsFlush, glSetShader, initialize, invalidate, invalidateLayout, isCached, isGestureEnabled, isInAnimationFrame, isVisible, modelToModel, modelToView, mouseClick, mouseDblClick, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseOut, mouseOver, mouseUp, moveTo, paint, paintActor, paintActorGL, playAnimation, removeBehaviorById, removeBehaviour, removeListener, resetAnimationTime, resetAsButton, resetTransform, rotateTo, scaleTo, scaleXTo, scaleYTo, setAlpha, setAnimationEndCallback, setAnimationImageIndex, setAsButton, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundImageOffset, setBounds, setButtonImageIndex, setCachedActor, setChangeFPS, setClip, setDiscardable, setExpired, setFillStyle, setFrameTime, setGestureEnabled, setGLCoords, setGlobalAlpha, setGlobalAnchor, setId, setImageTransformation, setMinimumSize, setModelViewMatrix, setOutOfFrameTime, setPaint, setParent, setPosition, setPreferredSize, setPreventLayout, setRotation, setRotationAnchor, setRotationAnchored, setScale, setScaleAnchor, setScaleAnchored, setScreenBounds, setSize, setSpriteIndex, setStrokeStyle, setUV, setVisible, stopCacheAsBitmap, touchEnd, touchMove, touchStart, viewToModel
Field Detail
Measured body's bounding box.
Method Detail
createBody(world, bodyData)
Create a box2d body and link it to this CAAT.Actor.
- Parameters:
- world
- {Box2D.Dynamics.b2World}
- bodyData
- {object}
CAAT.Foundation.Box2D.B2DPolygonBody.createPolygonBody(world, bodyData)
Helper function to aid in box2d polygon shaped bodies.
- Parameters:
- world
- bodyData
Get on-screen distance joint coordinate.