Class CAAT.Behavior.BaseBehavior
Defined in: BaseBehavior.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
The BaseBehavior is the base class of all Behavior modifiers:
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
<private> |
The actor this behavior will be applied to.
<private> |
Behavior application duration time related to scene time.
<private> |
Behavior application start time related to scene time.
<private> |
Will this behavior apply for ever in a loop ?
<private> |
if true, this behavior will be removed from the instance when it expires.
Apply the behavior, or just calculate the values ?
An id to identify this behavior.
<private> |
An interpolator object to apply behaviors using easing functions, etc.
does this behavior apply relative values ??
<private> |
Behavior lifecycle observer list.
<private> |
Is this behavior solved ? When called setDelayTime, this flag identifies whether the behavior
is in time relative to the scene.
<private> |
behavior status.
<private> |
Initial offset to apply this behavior the first time.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
<private> |
Constructor delegate function.
Adds an observer to this behavior.
apply(time, actor)
This method must no be called directly.
Calculate a CSS3 @key-frame for this behavior at the given time.
calculateKeyFramesData(prefix, name, keyframessize)
Calculate a complete CSS3 @key-frame set for this behavior.
Remove all registered listeners to the behavior.
<private> |
fireBehaviorAppliedEvent(actor, time, normalizedTime, value)
Notify observers about behavior being applied.
<private> |
fireBehaviorExpiredEvent(actor, time)
Notify observers about expiration event.
<private> |
fireBehaviorStartedEvent(actor, time)
Notify observers the first time the behavior is applied.
Calculate a CSS3 @key-frame data values instead of building a CSS3 @key-frame value.
Get this behaviors CSS property name application.
isBehaviorInTime(time, actor)
Chekcs whether the behaviour is in scene time.
<private> |
Convert scene time into something more manageable for the behavior.
<static> |
Parse a behavior of this type.
Sets the behavior to cycle, ie apply forever.
Sets the default interpolator to a linear ramp, that is, behavior will be applied linearly.
setDelayTime(delay, duration)
Sets behavior start time and duration.
<private> |
setExpired(actor, time)
Sets the behavior as expired.
<private> |
setForTime(actor, time)
This method must be overriden for every Behavior breed.
setFrameTime(startTime, duration)
Sets behavior start time and duration.
Sets this behavior id.
Changes behavior default interpolator to another instance of CAAT.Interpolator.
Make this behavior not applicable.
Sets default interpolator to be linear from 0.
Set this behavior as relative value application to some other measures.
<private> |
Set this behavior status
Set this behavior offset time.
Set whether this behavior will apply behavior values to a reference Actor instance.
A behavior is defined by a frame time (behavior duration) and a behavior application function called interpolator. In its default form, a behaviour is applied linearly, that is, the same amount of behavior is applied every same time interval.
A concrete Behavior, a rotateBehavior in example, will change a concrete Actor's rotationAngle during the specified period.
A behavior is guaranteed to notify (if any observer is registered) on behavior expiration.
A behavior can keep an unlimited observers. Observers are objects of the form:
behaviorExpired : function( behavior, time, actor);
behaviorApplied : function( behavior, time, normalizedTime, actor, value);
behaviorExpired: function( behavior, time, actor). This method will be called for any registered observer when the scene time is greater than behavior's startTime+duration. This method will be called regardless of the time granurality.
behaviorApplied : function( behavior, time, normalizedTime, actor, value). This method will be called once per frame while the behavior is not expired and is in frame time (behavior startTime>=scene time). This method can be called multiple times.
Every behavior is applied to a concrete Actor. Every actor must at least define an start and end value. The behavior will set start-value at behaviorStartTime and is guaranteed to apply end-value when scene time= behaviorStartTime+behaviorDuration.
You can set behaviors to apply forever that is cyclically. When a behavior is cycle=true, won't notify behaviorExpired to its registered observers.
Other Behaviors simply must supply with the method setForTime(time, actor)
- Returns:
- {this}
- Parameters:
- behaviorListener
- an observer instance.
- Parameters:
- time
- the scene time the behaviro is being applied at.
- actor
- a CAAT.Actor instance the behavior is being applied to.
- Parameters:
- time
- {number}
- Parameters:
- prefix
- {string} browser vendor prefix
- name
- {string} keyframes animation name
- keyframessize
- {number} number of keyframes to generate
- Parameters:
- actor
- a CAAT.Actor instance the behavior is being applied to.
- time
- the scene time of behavior application.
- normalizedTime
- the normalized time (0..1) considering 0 behavior start time and 1 behaviorStartTime+behaviorDuration.
- value
- the value being set for actor properties. each behavior will supply with its own value version.
- Parameters:
- actor
- a CAAT.Actor instance
- time
- an integer with the scene time the behavior was expired at.
- Parameters:
- actor
- time
- Returns:
- an integer indicating the behavior duration time in ms.
- Parameters:
- time
- {number}
- Returns:
- {String}
- Returns:
- an integer indicating the behavior start time in ms..
- Parameters:
- overrides
- Parameters:
- time
- the scene time to check the behavior against.
- actor
- the actor the behavior is being applied to.
- Returns:
- a boolean indicating whether the behavior is in scene time.
- Parameters:
- time
- the scene time to be normalized. an integer.
- Parameters:
- obj
- Parameters:
- obj
- {object} an object with a behavior definition.
- Parameters:
- bool
- a boolean indicating whether the behavior is cycle.
- Returns:
- this
- Parameters:
- delay
- {number}
- duration
- {number}
- Parameters:
- actor
- {CAAT.Actor}
- time
- {integer} the scene time.
- Parameters:
- actor
- {CAAT.Actor} a CAAT.Actor instance.
- time
- {number} an integer with the scene time.
- Parameters:
- startTime
- {number} an integer indicating behavior start time in scene time in ms..
- duration
- {number} an integer indicating behavior duration in ms.
- Parameters:
- id
- {object}
- Parameters:
- interpolator
- a CAAT.Interpolator instance.
- Returns:
- {*}
- Returns:
- this
- Parameters:
- bool
- Returns:
- {*}
- Parameters:
- st
- {CAAT.Behavior.BaseBehavior.Status}
- Returns:
- {*}
- Parameters:
- offset
- {number} between 0 and 1
- Returns:
- {*}
- Parameters:
- apply
- {boolean}
- Returns:
- {*}