Other CAAT actors


This actor object draws a given CAAT.Interpolator instance. It is useful when the developer wants to know how an Interpolator will behave.

The setup is simple, simply call the method setInterpolator( caat.interpolator_instance, size) and then set actor's bounds by calling setBounds(x,y,width,height) or setSize( width, height ).

The parameter size defines by how many line segments the interpolator will be drawn. This contour polyline is cached, so drawing constantly the actor won't impact performance. If no such parameter is supplied, 50 segments will be used.

The line color will be the one defined by the method setStrokeStyle( style ) or black by default.

The method setGap( size ) allow to set some insets to the actor. By default it is 5 units.

This actor has been extensively used in the Interpolators tutorial.