
Time line hooks

As we've said, an Scene has its own timeline. This is a virtual timeline, which is fed by the Director and is independant of other scene's time line.

An Scene will start feeding is timeline as soon as it starts to be brought in to the Director. An Scene will stop feeding is timeline as soon as the Director finishes starts taking the scene out.

The Scene's timeline will be the reference time passed to all of its children as their current animation time.

When an Scene is not anymore visible its timeline will be paused until the Scene will again be elligible to feed its timeline.

Exactly as the Director, the Scene can set hooks by setting a function onRenderStart and a function onRenderEnd. These both methods will receive a parameter with scene's virtual time.

There's another hook point on scenes and is the method activated. If set, this method will be called when the scene is totally brought in and is ready to receive input events.