Homogeneous coordinates
Use the following controls:
- Drag and Drop Actors on screen.
- Shift+Drag to scale actors.
- Control+Drag to rotate actors.
- Shift+Alt to unevenly scale actors.
- Pinch, rotate and drag on iOS with native gestures.
- Priority input lists usage.
This demo features the following elements:
- Built-in drag'n'drop and rotate/scale.
- Homogeneous coordinate system. Despite Actor's scale, it is always of the same size, and thus, always returns internal coordinates related to its original size. When an Actor is rotated, local-reported coordinates honor an homogeneous coordinate system as well.
- TextActor optimization by caching it as bitmap.
- Manipulating Actors zorder.
- How to set a priority input list. In this sample the blue actor will get input prioritized to any other rectangles and its cointained children before the blue rectangle itself.